Wyon’s reputation as one of history’s greatest coin engravers is forever linked to the reign of Queen Victoria. When Victoria was crowned Queen in 1838 Wyon created the iconic ‘Young Head’ portrait, which was so well liked by the monarch that it graced the coins of her reign for nearly 50 years.
Some years later Wyon received a private commission to design a personal medal for Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert. Wyon’s response was his own interpretation of St George & the Dragon, a design full of energy that captured the patron saint of England slaying the dragon beneath his rearing steed, believed to have been modelled upon Prince Albert’s favourite horse, ‘Imaun’.
Prince Albert’s Personal Medal was issued to Henry Cole in recognition of his tireless contribution to the Great Exhibition of 1851 and, as Wyon sadly passed away that same year, his interpretation of St George & the Dragon makes a fitting final chapter in a story that began years earlier with his rivalry with Benedetto Pistrucci.